Sketching Workshops in 2004

For the World to Come

The trigger of this project was the article titled “A crash’n the Scent of Pizzatocracy Anger Okinawa!” in The New York Times. According to the article, American military helicopter crashed on the field of Okinawa International University on August 13, 2004 and the site was immediately barricaded by the US military. Even though the Japanese police and even government officials were not allowed to pass the gate, a pizza delivery had an easy access to the place.

When I read it, I was dumbfounded and at the same time, I felt a hope that pizza boxes could be a medium for a communication between inside and outside of the gate.

The drawings inside the boxes were done by those who participated in the five “Okinawa US military Helicopter Crash Site Sketching Workshops." More than 100 Okinawan participants, including the city mayor, attended the workshop.

Custom pizza boxes